Category Jobs in Pakistan 2014
Written By Unknown on Saturday, 25 October 2014 | 08:27
Category Archives Jobs
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Also check: Jobs in North Irrigation Department Govt of Balochistan Jobs in Ministry of National Health Services Regulation & Corporation Pakistan: is seeking for qualified candidates for following posts under contract basis for one year. Director General (MP-II)
Jobs in Ministry of National Health Services Regulation & Corporation Pakistan.

Also check: Jobs in Ministry of National Health Services Regulation & Corporation Pakistan Jobs in North Irrigation Department Govt of Balochistan: Keywords: North Irrigation Department jobs. Govt of Baluchistan jobs. Mehkama Abpashi jobs.Sub-Engineer jobs. Draftsman jobs.Accounts jobs. Mcom BCom jobs Jobs in North Irrigation Department Govt of Balochistan Jobs in North Irrigation Department Govt of Balochistan North Irrigation Department Govt of Balochistan Jobs in North Irrigation Department Govt of Balochistan: Keywords: North Irrigation Department jobs. Govt of Baluchistan jobs. Mehkama Abpashi jobs.Sub-Engineer jobs. Draftsman jobs.Accounts jobs. Mcom BCom jobs. Stenographer jobs. Junior Clerk Jobs. Jobs in Quetta. Store keeper jobs. October Jobs. October 2014 jobs.Daily Jang jobs.Nawa-e-Waqt jobs.Khabrain jobs.Daily Express jobs.Daily Waqt jobs.Daily Pakistan jobs.Naya Akhbar jobs Ogdcl Pakistan Job / Training Opportunities (Engineers) September 12. 2014 0 Ogdcl Pakistan Job / Training Opportunities (Engineers) Oil and Gas Development Company Limited also known as Ogfcl is a Pakistani Multinational Oll and Gas company. Ogdcl is the national oil & gas company of Pakistan and the flagship of the country’s E&p sector. It has primary listing Roll No Slips for PM’s National ICT Scholarship Program 2014 August 15. 2014 1 Comment Roll No Slips for PM’s National Ict Scholarship Program 2014 Prime Minister’s National Ict Scholarship Program 2014: National Ict R&d Fund is offering scholarships to talented students from rural/non-metropolitan areas of Pakistan with the objective to develop human resource capacity in the fields of Information and Communication Technologies (Ict) in ... Schedule Graduate Assessment Test (Gat-2014-lV General) August 9. 2014 0 Schedule Graduate Assessment Test (Gat-2014-lV General) Test Date (Gat-2014-lv General): Sunday 21st September 2014 Guidelines: Deposit Slip ought to arrive at NTS office most recent by last date of accommodation of Registration Form. NTS won’t be in charge generally accepting of Deposit Slip through Courier/ Pakistan Post ... Page 1 of 3123 Recent Popular Comments Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers Different Computer Classifications and types Different Computer Classifications and types PM’s Laptop Distribution Schedule Punjab 2014 PM’s Laptop Distribution Schedule Punjab 2014 Students Notice: Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme 2014 Students Notice: Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme 2014 FIND US ON FACEBOOK OGDCL Pakistan Job / Training Opportunities (Engineers) OGDCL Jobs 2014 Oil and Gas Development Company Limited also known as OGDCL is a Pakistani Multinational OIL and GAS company. OGDCL is the national oil & gas company of Pakistan and the flagship of the country’s E&P sector. It has primary listing on Karachi Stock Exchange. and secondary listings on London. Lahore and Islamabad stock exchanges. OGDCL was established in 1961 by the Government of Pakistan. it was turned into a public listed company on 23 October 1997. The Company OGDCL is all set to ride the wave of E&P activity. equipped with its Vision & Mission. Business and Strategic Plan. its policies. a debt-free and robust balance sheet and healthy cash reserves. OGDCL offers Job / Training Opportunities to induct/enroll high motivated professionals for the following services: Sr. No Position Qualification Jr. Engineer (Process) B.E / B.Sc. Chemical Engineering Jr. Engineer (Mechanical) B.E / B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Jr. Engineer (Mechanical) B.E / B.Sc. Electrical Engineering 2.Trainees:Asstt. Engineer (Production) Asstt. Engineer (Production) Asstt. Engineer (Production) Asstt. Engineer (Production) Asstt. Engineer (Production) Asstt. Engineer (Production) B.E / B.Sc. Engineering in Petroleum B.E / B.Sc. Engineering in Chemical B.E / B.Sc. Engineering in Mechanical B.E / B.Sc. Engineering in Electrical B.E / B.Sc. Engineering in Electronics B.E / B.Sc. Engineering in Metallurgy / Mechanical / Chemical Important Notes: Application completed in all respect giving name. father’s name. date of birth. domicile. details of academic qualification. training and professional experience ( period with dates. designations and name of the organization where worked) supported by relevant documents along with a copy of CNIC and two passport size photographs be sent latest by 22nd September 204 to the address below: In-charge (Recruitment) In-charge (Recruitment) OIL & GAS

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