Drug Abuse ,A threat for society How can be control it? Drug pose a terrible threat to society. Drug addiction is fatal for human health and social status .Two main factors that bring about this bad habit are genetic factor and environmental factors. Genetic factors: include ... 3 weeks ago by Akram 0 What is DNA? How it works and scientist point of view about DNA. DNA (deoxyribonucleic Acid) from the start ,to yet ,millions of the peoples try to understand ,that how system of genetics works. To quench this thirst in every era people profound experiments .In very small and simple 3 weeks ago by Akram 0 la-he-meditate-laugh-20140510-001 No medicine is Pensive than laughter beautiful Research If someone want the energy for mental and physical fitness advantages of pensive without the task of follow away both of continuous emotions and feelings? A report advised try to laugh.
A big smile is the real thing that 3 weeks ago by Akram 0 Smoking should be banned in public places and try to save lives Smoking is generally known as to smoke tobacco in the form of cigarette .smoking is injurious to health. So, it should banned on public places. smoking is deadly habit and harmful for health .It may cause asthma , cancer 3 weeks ago by Akram 0 sexual problems in men ,women & child sexual abuse Child sexual is curs One sexual form is “child abuse” .it consist of wide range of activity doing child between adult. sometimes this includes with body contact ,but not ever one exposing genitals or pressure ... 4 weeks ago by Akram 0 images (17) causes of skin cancer & its cure Skin cancer: Skin cancer has been becoming most general form of cancer in all over the world especially United States. its two common types are basal cell and squamous cell cancer .They generally can be found in head, ... 4 weeks ago by Akram 0 impact of sexual increasing trend on the societies all over the world Sex means joint inner activity for satisfactions of their emotions.
We all believe that it is a fruitful activity if it can be done according to the society rules. society rules means marriage. although mirage custom and ... 4 weeks ago by Akram 0 why pregnancy is necessary &how i get pregnant Allah has created all the creation of the universe. He also created them into a couple. couple means Each creation has male and female. It is very interesting topic how ones produce a baby of his own genetic .sexual ... 4 weeks ago by Akram 0 Tips to eyes care safety Eyes is God gifted bless. no one can not deny that world is brighter due to eyes. Without eyes there is darkness in every where; so it is our moral and healthy duty to save our eyes. when we watch tv;use mobile; and work ... 1 month ago by Akram 0