اور ملک الموت آپہنچا____________!
ایک نوجوان لڑکی ایک سپر مارکیٹ میں اپنے جسم کی نمائش کرتے ہوئے فتنہ انگیز انداز میں جارہی تھی۔ اس کے انداز میں ایسی خود نمائی اور خود ستائی تھی جیسے دنیا اسی کیوجہ سے پیدا کی گئی ہو...
وہاں سے ایک نیک اور صالح نوجوان گزر رہا تھا اس نے ازراہ ہمدردی کہا:" میری بہن ! اپنی اس روش سے باز آجاؤ۔ اگر اسی حالت میں ملک الموت تمہارے پاس آپہنچا تو، اللّٰہ کو کیا جواب دو گی؟"
اس کے جواب میں وہ مغرور لڑکی کہنے لگی..! "اگر تم میں جرات ہے تو ابھی اپنا موبائل نکالو اور اپنے رب سے کال ملاؤ کہ وہ ملک الموت کو بھیجے۔"
وہ نوجوان کہتا ہے کہ :" اس نے ایسی ہولناک بات کہی تھی کہ مجھے ڈر ہوا کہیں اس بازار کو ہی نہ ہم پر الٹا دیا جائے۔" میں ڈرتا ہوا جلدی سے وہاں سے نکلا۔ جب میں بازار کے کنارے پر پہنچا تو میں نے اپنے پیچھے چیخ وپکار اور آہ وبکا کی آوازیں سنیں ..
میں وآپس مڑا تو دیکھا کہ ایک جگہ لوگ اکھٹے ہیں، یہ وہی جگہ تھی جہاں میری اس لڑکی سے بات ہوئی تھی۔ میں وہ منظر دیکھ کر ٹھٹک گیا۔ وہ لڑکی ٹھیک اُسی جگہ پر مردہ حالت میں پڑی تھی، جہاں اس نے ملک الموت کو بلانے کا چیلنج کیا تھا۔ میں تو اس چیلنج کے بعد فوراً وہاں سے نکل گیا تھا، لیکن لڑکی اسی وقت منہ کے بل گری اور دم توڑ دیا۔کیونکہ ملک الموت آپہنچا تھا...!
(آئین القلوب، مصطفیٰ کامل)
قارئین کرام! یہ واقعہ بالکل سچا ہے اور ایک عرب ملک میں پیش آیا تھا۔ اس واقعہ کو قریباً بارہ پندرہ سال گزرے ہونگے، جب یہ رونما ہوا تو اس کی بازگشت مقامی اخبارات اور مجالس میں سنائی دی تھی..
"بعض اوقات انسان تکبر اور جوانی کے نشے میں یا دولت واقتدار کے گھمنڈ میں بےحد غلط باتیں منہ سے نکال دیتا ہے، اسے معلوم نہیں ہوتا کہ عین ممکن ہے وہ قبولیت دعا کا وقت ہو۔"
اور اس کے الفاظ پر رب کی طرف سے پکڑ بھی ممکن ہے، اس لئے ہمیشہ منہ سے اچھی بات نکالنی چاہئے...
"دعاؤں کی قبولیت کے سنہرے واقعات" سے ماخوذ
Angel of death came and ! A young girl in a supermarket while displaying her body was in rebellion. He was abused in a manner such as a flash and self-made disasters are the same ... there was a righteous young passing sympathetic tell he said: "My sister, come from this method. If I came to you in the same condition supposed, will answer to God? "In response, the girl said that proud ..! "If you have the courage to just call your cell extraction and confound your Lord that He sent the angel of death." The Young says: "He was such a horrible thing to say that I was not on the market to be turned upside down." There was fear in the air quickly. When I arrived at the edge of the market and ah ubka I heard voices behind him. I turned back and saw a place that people gather, it was the same place where I was talking to this girl. Watching that scene in IA. She was lying dead on the same spot where it was supposed to challenge the call. I went out immediately after the challenge, but when the girl fell on their faces and crumbled dya.kyunkh was supposed to come! (Constitution Qulub, Mustafa Kamil) Definition This event is absolutely true and happened in an Arab country. About twelve to fifteen years have passed since this event, when it occurred, local newspapers and the echo was heard in meetings. "Sometimes the arrogance and pride of youth drunk or great wealth uaqtdar wrong things out of the mouth is it possible they do not know the exact time of acceptance of prayer. "And it is also possible to hold on words from the Lord, it is good to take out of the mouth should always ... "Acceptance of prayers blond events" derives from.(2) دعاؤں کی قبولیت کے سنہرے واقعات میں دعائوں کی قبولیت کے سنہرے واقعات نامی ایک کتاب مرتب کر رہا تھا، اس میں ایک خوبصورت واقعہ نے میری توجہ اپنی طرف مبذول کرائی۔ سچی بات تو یہ ہے کہ اس واقعے نے ایمان تازہ کر دیا۔
The Acceptance of prayers and lots of funny incidents acceptance was compiling a book called Big events, a beautiful event that drew my attention. Indeed, I believe that this incident was fresh.
His name was Dr. Ahmed was Saudi Arabia's leading physician. To take advice from people waiting for several days. Increasing its reputation gyy.daralhkumt an international medical conference in which he was invited. It was decided that in view of the services not only in the conference but the key will read the thesis and certificates awarded him an honorary shield from the airport by jayy.daktr ahmdapny left.
He was happy and calm. This evening it was the respect and honor. She thought it was even more satisfied. Routine checks at the airport soon after he got in the plane. According to the flight time was flying. Wind about half an hour later we apologize air hostess announced that due to technical fault in the aircraft, we're down to the nearest airport. We have no choice but to do it.
Seamlessly flight and crash down onto the nearest airport. Passenger ship went down in the lounge. Dr. Ahmed fault plane with the other passengers to wait for the right lgy.thury Airport Authority announced later: ladies and gentlemen! The engineer said that the fault is not likely to be accurate immediately. Replacement aircraft for the passengers is being managed. When this plane will not know anyone. Shortly after the new aircraft was announced yesterday that the alternative might. We apologize for the inconvenience. Now you will be taken to the hotel.
Dr. Ahmed announced it was going to be painful and annoying. Important if tonight was the night of her life. How many weeks that he was looking forward to this night was to honor her. He got up from the chair and airport officials approached, introduced himself and said that I am a doctor of international level. My one minute is precious. I have read the article in the capital tonight. Delegates from around the world come to participate in this seminar and we heard you guys are replacement aircraft arrived 16 hours later ga.mtalqh officer replied: Dear Doctor, we respect and appreciate.
We estimate the odds of you and other travelers. But it is not just a matter of urgency to provide new aircraft. However, I can not control the city to attend a conference where you go, there are only three to four hours away by car from the. Very quickly if you rent a car at the airport and drive to get to the respective city. "'
Dr. ahmdlmby did not like to drive. But it was forced or hate him, there was no alternative route suggestion refers to the relevant officer and airport car hire from the respective city left. Not only that distance had not begun the weather suddenly worsened gya.asman huyy.tyz dark storm clouds on the mstzadthy growth. Suddenly a loud rain started and everything came darkness. Weather did not realize that the reason it has direction. He was sustained for two hours, finally convinced him further revealed he has strayed from the path.
Now it is also a strong sense of hunger and fatigue lga.as thought to be three to four hours if traveling, eating with him, something he did not do it a haven of thy.ab was looking for something to eat and drink, where it was found sky.uqt goes by fast. Had captured the night's darkness all around. While passing by a small village upon the unconscious as the car stopped in front of a small house.
His hand was knocking on the door from the inside of an old woman who was frail and weak auazas ears saying: Whatever door is open, come inside. Ito entered daktrahmdghr saw an old woman sitting on a chair moving. He told the woman: Okay! My mobile battery is over, I can charge my cell phone?
The old woman smiled and said: 'My son, who will be talking about the phone? You do not know where you are at this moment? Our ray nor electricity nor telephone, it is a small village, where no civilian infrastructure is not considered further then! My son, who is at the front desk, tea and food rkhahy.lgta eat before you get hungry and thirsty, then it would hu.tm hu.rasth gone astray. Looks like you're doing quite long distances. Dr. Ahmed thanked the old woman had broken down on food look appetizing Safar had severe fatigue .acank woman moves with the chair and the bed started crying dya.ka Twain that an innocent children can sleep kuthpk kyn.uh and start praying for the child's health and safety was prolonged prayer.
Daktrahmdny eat and drink with the old saying: conjugation His conduct, and hosted Worm won my heart. O Pu Long are praying. I hope that Allah will accept your prayers. '' My son! He was so old. "" My God, my prayers are heard and accepted. But just because I have full faith that my weakness was not so .You msafrhu, pray that they will accept jayy.daktr Ahmad said: conjugation huyy.ap What I do not accept that my I know I'm at work, like son locked it zrurkrun willing to help can, I will definitely be in my control. The woman said: 'My dear son, pray and wish for my own nhynblkh the orphaned child of the mother of my grandson. The father had recently died. It is a disease of the bones, which is nearby. I walk disability r wise, but all guests were treated to his older doctors are unable to treat it.
People have suggested that this is the same doctor who treated her mother every bone, its reputation is far. He enlisted surgeon. I can treat it, but then again, I have heard from the R is also very expensive. This is not an easy task to reach. If you're seeing my condition, I could call old John hun.ksy. I fear that even after I have no one to care for the child ga.myn every time they pray to Allah Almighty create a cause of the child to the doctor to be treated. It is likely that the orphaned children find healing by the same doctor.
Dr. Ahmed could not control his emotions, he said in a choked voice: conjugation My plane was damaged, had to get into the rented car, great flood came, and a rain storm came, forgot the way. He sent me home dya.ama of compulsion has accepted your last prayer richest Almighty has provided a means that the bones on the doctor himself has come to your home. I will treat your grandchildren. ''
When someone listens to Allaah, then it also automatically provides the means for satisfying hy.kaynat gives all beings, whether living or dead, is bound to the will and command of Allah. In that case, you can see how the earth God's work by bringing in different strengths to meet old put little prayer. Allah Almighty says:
Peace yjyb conceal both hands and pushed the yksf alsuy yjalkm alarzy Caliphs of God small with Ma tzkrun
'Helpless cry when they cry, which turns off by accepting the hardness, and makes you successors in the earth. Kyaallh is there any god along with Allah. You're better than your gods little advice '. (Naml: 62)